Winners and losers (Part 3) – Strive Masiyiwa.

You are not alone amidst the COVID-19 storm. Let’s #TeamTalk.

As entrepreneurs in the midst of a global crisis impacting nearly all the world’s economies, and ways of working, we must now develop #Innovations which will give us useful new #Products for the #Post-COVID business environment.

Until a vaccine is developed and approved, many people will continue to work remotely, if possible. Many others will be under very strict quarantine because they are at high risk. It’s important that you get a full list of those who are at high risk.

Many people know that even if they are not seen as “at high risk”, getting sick could mean months or even years of sicknesses because the body has been so weakened.

As entrepreneurs we must look to develop products for #Post-COVID that will reach out to meet many new or different human needs. I’m looking for the @Winners! Businesses that have emerged directly because of COVID-19! Tell me below what you have done.

__But please don’t give me ideas because others will take your ideas and you will end up crying.

Tell me something, or continue to work on it quietly.

My own businesses have developed more than 10 products that are due to hit the market as a response to COVID-19! We have been so busy since lockdowns came!

Sasai Global TeamTalk!

Here is a case study from our business for you to study and learn from:

#Sasai Global has developed a new product called Sasai TeamTalk. As the name suggests, it is a platform for groups of people to talk as a team, whether from business, families, classmates, friends and more. It accommodates up to 20 people to talk together, including 5 on split screen video.

The service is now available through a new upgrade.

I love this new product so much, I want to hold a TeamTalk, once a week for 30 minutes with a different group from this platform.

There will be up to 18 places available each week on the call (9 women and 9 men).

Here is how I will choose this week:

Go to the Sasai App, and then answer the following questions below:

1. How many African languages are on the Sasai platform?

2. How many radio stations are on the platform from the following countries:

3. What is the current version of the Sasai App?

4. Comment (in 50 words or less) why you think @Sasai TeamTalk, is a winner for the #Post-COVID world.

Please post your three answers and comment essay below the SECOND AFTERTHOUGHT (If you put the answers anywhere else you will not be included in the competition). Include your name and your country.

Don’t worry if you don’t get in on first try. I intend to speak to 100 people over the next month, using TeamTalk.

While it’s important to keep a safe social distance during this COVID crisis, it’s also important to reach out to each other in safe ways, especially to distant family members or friends who might be feeling very alone and isolated. If someone is important to you, why not reach out to them to say a quick hello to see how they are. It might just make their day.

To be continued. . .

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